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Most of our patients come to us after after trying everything that conventional medicine had to offer, yet still not getting the answers or experiencing the healing they are seeking. Many were told that all their tests were "normal." Today's world is very different from the world a few short decades ago. We are exposed to more stress, more toxins in our environment and in the food we eat, less connection with the people around us, and most of us are more sedentary and are more tied to our devices than people used to be. Yet, our conventional healthcare delivery systems have not evolved accordingly, and still teach providers to use the same narrow range of diagnostic testing on all patients. Conventional insurance-based healthcare also promotes a reactive approach of seeking help only after an illness has developed, lumping patients into boxes based on diagnoses, and then just prescribing "a pill for every ill." Or, if your symptoms do not match a known diagnosis (and corresponding pharmaceutical), you may be made to feel dismissed and that your current state is "as good as it gets."  This approach is good for the business of insurance-based medicine, but it is not good for patients wanting to live optimally to an old age, free of the chronic illnesses and diseases that are robbing people of quality of life.


"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas Edison


At REDEFINE Health & Wellness, we are committed to bringing the Art of Healing back to healthcare.  We recognize the impact that our lifestyles of today have on our biochemistry, our physiology, and, as a result, our overall physical, mental, and emotional health.  We use the latest advanced Functional Medicine laboratory testing to measure and quantify the imbalances on a cellular and molecular level that progress to symptoms and disease states. Instead of focusing on prescribing medications to treat a diagnosis or symptom, we analyze what changed in your body's internal environment that allowed (fill-in-the-blank diagnosis or symptom) to develop. We then guide you through the steps that lead to reversal of that disease process and restoring your internal environment to one that is primed for optimal health. The knowledge you gain through making the lifestyle, nutrition, and mindset changes in order to restore your health is yours to keep going forward, and you can draw from it to help reverse, heal from, and prevent future health challenges for yourself and for your loved ones.




Functional Medicine focuses on discovering and addressing the root cause of illness, not just masking symptoms or "managing" health conditions.



Integrative Medicine blends the knowledge and understanding of Western Medicine with training in a variety of other, often considered "alternative" approaches.



Holistic Medicine is a whole-body approach that looks at all of the factors that contribute to health, including lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, emotional state, environmental exposures, and past experiences.



Personalized Medicine is the Medicine of the future, made available to you today. Your plan of care is tailored to exactly what your specific body needs, as evidenced by your lab results. 


Disease Reversal/Prevention.
Performance Optimization.

Click on the gallery images below to expand and read more about how we apply the Art of Healing to optimize your biochemistry and physiology and bring you back to health.

HPA Axis&
Gut Microbiome&
Liver Detox&
Immune Dysregulation&
Insulin Resistance&
Environmental Toxins&
Nutrient Deficiencies&
Hormone Imbalances&
Metabolic Health&

Peptide Therapy


These are the things we focus on that other doctors don't... and why we are able to get you results that other doctors can't.







Lifestyle, Mindset, and Nutrition are the backbones of optimal health. We work with you to make sure these foundations are firmly set in place, so that the corrections you implement will be maximally effective and endure even after your intensive supplementation phase is over.


We utilize Functional Medicine laboratory tests to uncover information about precisely what your body is deficient in and what is out of balance. Testing also gives you objective, quantitative data that you can then use to monitor progress.


We create a custom-tailored intensive supplement plan, using key essential nutrients at therapeutic doses, to correct all of the imbalances and deficiencies detected on your workup. We then meet with you on a frequent basis to hold you accountable and provide the support you need to implement the necessary changes.


When you approach your health challenges from all of these multiple angles, you can't help but to thrive! You also gain a new perspective and definition of what is involved in creating optimal health and wellness for yourself and for your loved ones.



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A year into my autoimmune diagnosis and seven doctors later, I had almost given up. It wasn’t until I was referred to Dr. Rodil that my faith was restored. I will never forget our introductory call. I gained more knowledge about my condition, and more compassion than I had ever received from any doctor prior. Not only does he provide the tools and resources to improve your quality of life, he truly dives into a holistic approach and tackles the issue from every aspect. It has been seven months since I’ve started his program, and I have never felt healthier and more in control. I have gone from having headaches and stomachaches every day for half of my life, to feeling what normal is supposed to feel like- pain free. And this isn't even what I started seeing him for. I learned that my Alopecia Areata is related to my gut imbalance and exposure to mold, along with my body's impaired detoxification pathways. These are things no other doctor has been able to tell me. Never have I experienced better care than I have with Dr. Rodil.

Tammy D.

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When I was told I have "panic disorder" and the only treatment is to take Prozac indefinitely, my life changed. I started living in fear of the next panic attack, fear of the unknown, fear of an uncertain future. My doctors did not seem to know why this was happening to me, nor did it seem to matter to them why. I lost my spark. I am a musician and a martial artist, and I am an outgoing positive person, but that started to go away. I count myself so blessed to have Dr. Rodil in my life. From our first meeting, he gave me hope that I could have my life back again. He showed me how it was a combination of my nervous system being locked in a stress response state along with certain "holes" in my nutrition and lifestyle that were creating my condition. And once we were able to identify these, we were also able to treat them. I am not exaggerating when I say this man saved my life. After correcting the imablances and reframing my mindset, I am back and even better than before. I am not living in fear, but rather spreading positivity and thriving doing the things I am passionate about. And I am the proud new father of a beautiful baby girl, and I feel confident and enthusiastic about my and my family's future. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Rodil.

Kristoffer C.

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When our daughter, who was just about to graduate high school, was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition, we as parents were scared. The solution they were giving us was immunosuppressant medications, and this was around the start of COVID. Luckily, Dr. Rodil is a good friend of our family members. He was able to pick up on the connection between our daughter's autoimmune condition and an issue with her gut. After doing the corrective measures that Dr. Rodil prescribed, our daughter's condition resolved completely. She is now able to live a normal life as a college freshman, and we are so grateful and blessed to have had him recommended to us.

Parents of Ghianna O.


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